A New Narrative for Europe
Technical Sheet
Title: A New Narrative for Europe
Type: 8 Short Films
Year: 2014
Country: Portugal
Sound: Stereo
Duration: Variable
Color: HD
Language: English, Portuguese
Subtitles: English, Portuguese
Direction and Script: Carlos Ruiz
Editing: Ricardo Costa
Producer: Carlos Ruiz and Setepés
Director of Photography: Carlos Ruiz and Ricardo Costa
Sound and Final Mixing: Carlos Ruiz and Ricardo Costa

More about the film
Public Exhibition
The documentary A New Narrative for Europe was exhibited on January 23, 2015, at Casa da Música, in Porto. There is no information available on other places where the Short Docs have been screened (we just know that they were shown in class at some universities). While the project was being promoted, the documentary was available at (it is not available any more). The films were also exhibited in several countries in Europe through the European Community distribution channels.