Documentário, Em Destaque


Ficha Técnica

Título: Cru
Ano: 2017
País: Portugal
Som: Estéreo
Duração: 2h28′
Cor: HD
Língua: Inglês, Português
Legendas: Inglês, Português
Realização e Guião: Carlos Ruiz
Montagem: Carlos Ruiz
Produtor: Carlos Ruiz
Correção de cor e gráficos: Ricardo Costa
Edição de Som e Misturas: Pedro Ribeiro

Mais informação sobre o  filme

    • Menção Honrosa Festival internacional de Avanca Portugal, Julho ,2018.
    • TV CANAL 180 – Exibição Nacional em Televisão em 2019
      Data de estreia 29/05/2019
  • Cru” means “rough”, “raw” or “sore”, all of which applies to this sequence of scenes by Carlos Ruiz Carmona – snapshots of the Portuguese city of Porto, collected over almost a decade. There are movie kisses and vigorously fucking bodies, trembling hands and sex for money. Communion wafers crack and teeth are knocked out. The images are anything but glamorous but highly charged: they show tense and often aggressive people. Carlos Ruiz Carmona’s Porto is a field of energy where tension keeps building and is discharged all over the place, where people are receivers or transmitters of those currents. The film seems both distant and intimate because its director, while renouncing all direct communication, is a penetrating observer. One who is most interested in the surfaces under which things are seething, ready to burst – be it in the shape of eczema, a blow or a birth.
    — Carolin Weidner